H - aircraft symbol- helicopter or search/rescue
H stands for aircraft symbol- helicopter or search/rescue
Here you will find, what does H stand for in Government under Military category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate aircraft symbol- helicopter or search/rescue? aircraft symbol- helicopter or search/rescue can be abbreviated as H What does H stand for? H stands for aircraft symbol- helicopter or search/rescue. What does aircraft symbol- helicopter or search/rescue mean?aircraft symbol- helicopter or search/rescue is an expansion of H
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Alternative definitions of H
View 229 other definitions of H on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- H&I harassing and interdicting
- H&S headquarters and service
- H&V heating and ventilation
- H-2 Sea Sprite
- H-46 Knight
- H-AMI host-automated message interface
- H-B hexadecimal to binary
- H-D hexadecimal to decimal
- H-HMMWV heavy highly mobile multipurpose wheeled vehicle
- H-Hour time of commencement
- H+7 7 hours after H-hour
- H+30 min 30 minutes after H-hour
- H/C hand carry
- H/S health and safety
- H/V horizontal/vertical
- H/W hardware
- H6000 Honeywell 6000 Series Computers
- H700 Honeywell 700 minicomputer
- ha high altitude